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  • Claire Voisin, Universally defined cycles I, arXiv:2408.06893

  • Chenyu Bai, Hodge theory, algebraic cycles of hyper-Kähler manifolds, arXiv:2407.19488

  • Ignacio Barros, Pietro Beri, Laure Flapan, Brandon Williams, Cones of Noether-Lefschetz divisors and moduli spaces of hyperkähler manifold, arXiv:2407.07622 

  • Roland Abuaf, Riccardo Carini, Holomorphic symplectic manifolds from semistable Higgs bundles, arXiv:2406.00395 

  • Olivier Benoist, Claire Voisin, On the smoothability problem with rational coefficients,arXiv:2405.12620 

  • Simone Billi, Annalisa Grossi, Non-symplectic automorphisms of prime order of O'Grady's tenfolds and cubic fourfolds, arXiv:2405.05932

  • Dominique Mattei, Reinder Meinsma, Obstruction classes for moduli spaces of sheaves and Lagrangian fibrations, arXiv:2404.16652

  • Emma Brakkee, Chiara Camere, Annalisa Grossi, Laura Pertusi, Giulia Saccà, Sasha Viktorova, Irreducible symplectic varieties via relative Prym varieties, arXiv:2404.03157

  • Valeria Bertini, Annalisa Grossi, Mirko Mauri, Enrica Mazzon, Terminalizations of quotients of compact hyperkähler manifolds by induced symplectic automorphisms, arXiv:2401.13632

  • Jixieng Huang, The Curves of Elliptic Nodes on K3 Surfaces, arXiv:2312.12631​​

  • Claire Voisin, Flat pushforwards of Chern classes and the smoothing problem for cycles in the Whitney rang, arXiv:2311.04714

  • Francesco Antonio Denisi, Polygons of Newton-Okounkov type on irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifoldsarXiv:2311.03295

  • Daniel Huybrechts, Dominique Mattei, The special Brauer group and twisted Picard varietiesaXiv:2310.04032

  • Daniel Huybrechts, Dominique Matte, Splitting unramified Brauer classes by abelian torsors and the period-index problem, arXiv:2310.04029

  • Laure Flapan, Emanuele Macrì, Kieran G. O'Grady, Giulia Saccà, The geometry of antisymplectic involutions, IIarXiv:2309.02238

  • Salvatore Floccari, Mauro Varesco, Algebraic cycles on hyper-Kähler varieties of generalized Kummer typearXiv:2308.04865

  • Benedetta Piroddi, Ángel David Ríos Ortiz, On the transcendental lattices of Hyperkähler manifoldsarXiv:2308.12869

  • Yu-Wei Fan, Kuan-Wen LaiFourier-Mukai numbers of K3 categories of very general special cubic fourfoldsarXiv:2307.14486

  • Daniele Agostini, Ignacio Barros, Kuan-Wen LaiOn the irrationality of moduli spaces of projective hyperkähler manifoldarXiv:2307.07391

  • Alexander Kuznetsov, Evgeny Shinder, Derived categories of Fano threefolds and degenerationsarXiv:2305.17213

  • Ivan Cheltsov, Igor Krylov, Jesus Martinez Garcia, Evgeny Shinder, On maximally non-factorial nodal Fano threefoldsarXiv:2305.09081

  • Claire Voisin, On Chern classes of Lagrangian fibered hyper-Kähler manifolds, arXiv:2305.09396

  • Arnaud Beauville, Antoine Etesse, Andreas Höring, J. Liu, Claire Voisin, Symmetric tensors on the intersection of two quadrics and Lagrangian fibration, arXiv:2304.10919 

  • Morit Hartlieb, Special subvarieties in the locus of intermediate Jacobians of cubic threefolds, arXiv:2304.03214 arXiv:2304.10919

  • Mauro Varesco, Hodge homotheties, algebraic classes, and Kuga-Satake varieties, arXiv:2304.02519

  • Daniel HuybrechtsThe K3 category of a cubic fourfold -- an update, arXiv:2303.03820

  • Reinder Meinsma, Evgeny ShinderDerived equivalence of elliptic K3 surfaces and Jacobians, arXiv:2303.16638

  • Yu-Wei Fan, Kuan-Wen Lai, Nielsen realization problem for Bridgeland stability conditions on generic K3 surfacesarXiv:2302.12663

  • Dominique Mattei, The Intermediate Jacobian fibration of a cubic fourfold containing a plane and fibrations in Prym varietiesarXiv:2302.00350

  • Claire Voisin, Cycle classes on abelian varieties and the geometry of the Abel-Jacobi map, arXiv:2212.03046

  • Mirko Mauri, Evgeny ShinderHomological Bondal-Orlov localization conjecture for rational singularitiesarXiv:2212.06786

  • Pietro Berri, Laurent Manivel, A birational involutionarXiv:2211.12866

  • Daniel Huybrechts, Chow groups of surfaces of lines in cubic fourfoldsarXiv:2211.12186

  • Alexander Kuznetsov, Evgeny Shinder, Homologically finite-dimensional objects in triangulated categoriesarXiv:2211.09418 

  • Mauro Varesco, Towards generic base point freeness for generalized Kummer varieties in low dimensionarXiv:2211.11485

  • Alexander Kuznetsov, Evgeny Shinder, Homologically finite-dimensional objects in triangulated categoriesarXiv:2211.09418

  • Alessio Bottini, Towards a modular construction of OG10arXiv:2211.09033

  • Chenyu Bai, On some birational invariants of hyper-Kähler manifoldsarXiv:2210.12455

  • Claire Voisin, Geometric representability of 1-cycles on rationally connected threefoldsarXiv:2208.12557

  • Yajnaseni Dutta, Dominique Mattei, Yulieth Prieto-Montañez, On symplectic birational self-maps of projective hyperkähler manifolds of K3[n]-typearXiv:2209.03783

  • Shamil Asgarli, Lian Duan, Kuan-Wen Lai, Frobenius nonclassical hypersurfacesarXiv:2207.11981

  • Dmitrii Pirozhkov, Categorical Torelli theorem for hypersurfacesarXiv:2208.13604

  • Mauro Varesco, The Hodge conjecture for powers of K3 surfaces of Picard number 16arXiv:2203.09778

  • Chenyu Bai, On Abel-Jacobi Maps of Lagrangian FamiliesarXiv:2203.06242

  • Olivier Debarre, Daniel Huybrechts, Emanuele Macrì, Claire Voisin, Computing Riemann-Roch polynomials and classifying hyper-Kähler fourfoldsarXiv:2201.08152

  • Claire Voisin, On fibrations and measures of irrationality of hyper-Kähler manifoldsarXiv:2201.07037 

  • Arend Bayer, Emanuele Macrì, The unreasonable effectiveness of wall-crossing in algebraic geometryarXiv:2201.03654

  • Georg Oberdieck, Jieao Song, Claire Voisin, Hilbert schemes of K3 surfaces, generalized Kummer, and cobordism classes of hyper-Kähler manifoldsarXiv:2110.02211

  • Daniel Huybrechts, Nodal quintic surfaces and lines on cubic fourfoldsarXiv:2108.10532

  • Daniel Huybrechts, Mirko Mauri, On type II degenerations of hyperkähler manifoldsarXiv:2108.01587

  • Olivier Debarre, Emanuele Macrì, Complete curves in the moduli space of polarized K3 surfaces and hyper-Kähler manifoldsarXiv:2108.0042

  • Ignacio Barros, Scott Mullane, On the birational geometry of the moduli of hyperelliptic curvesarXiv:2106.1377

  • Claire Voisin,  Footnotes to papers of O'Grady and Markman, arXiv:2106.06979

  • Yajnaseni Dutta, Daniel Huybrechts, Maximal variation of curves on K3 surfaces, arXiv:2105.04787

  • Alessio Bottini, Stable Sheaves on K3 Surfaces via Wall-Crossing, arXiv:2103.09661

  • Laure Flapan, Emanuele Macrì, Kieran O'Grady, Giulia Saccà, The geometry of antisymplectic involutions, I, arXiv:2102.02161

  • Olivier Debarre, Giovanni Mongardi, Gushel-Mukai varieties with many symmetries and an explicit irrational Gushel-Mukai threefold, arXiv:2101.01959

  • Claire Voisin, Compact Kähler manifolds with no projective specialization, arXiv:2101.01075

  • Daniel Huybrechts, Brilliant families of K3 surfaces: Twistor spaces, Brauer groups, and Noether-Lefschetz loci, arXiv:2012.04608

  • Daniele Agostini, Ignacio Barros, Kuan-Wen Lai, On the irrationality of moduli spaces of K3 surfaces, arXiv:2011.11025

  • Claire Voisin, On the Lefschetz standard conjecture for Lagrangian covered hyper-Kähler varieties, arXiv:2007.11872

  • Olivier Debarre, Alexander Kuznetsov, Gushel-Mukai varieties: Intermediate Jacobians, arXiv:2002.05620

  • Olivier Debarre, Gushel-Mukai varieties, arXiv:2001.03485

  • Arend Bayer, Martí Lahoz, Emanuele Macrì, Howard Nuer, Alexander Perry, Paolo Stellari, Stability conditions in family, arXiv:1902.08184

  • Arend Bayer, Martí Lahoz, Emanuele Macrì, Paolo Stellari, Stability conditions on Kuznetsov components, arXiv:1703.10839

  • Federica Galluzzi, Bert Van Geemen, The two extremal rays of some Hyper-Kähler fourfolds,  arXiv:2501.09578

  • Ziqi Liu, Derived-natural automorphisms on Hilbert schemes of points on generic polarized K3 surfaces,  arXiv:2501.08854

  • Daniel Andrew Baldwin, Bobby Samir Acharya, On Classifying HyperKähler Kummer 8-Orbifold,  arXiv:2501.03692 

  • Salvatore Floccari, K3 surfaces associated to varieties of generalized Kummer type,  arXiv:2501.02315 

  • Ana Quedo, Geometric realizations of non-symplectic involutions on the Hilbert square of a K3 surface,  arXiv:2412.12307

  • Franco Giovenzana, Luca Giovenzana, Lines, Twisted Cubics on Cubic Fourfolds, and the Monodromy of the Voisin Map,  arXiv:2412.07483 

  • Dai Imaike, Analytic torsion for irreducible holomorphic symplectic fourfolds with involution, II: the singularity of the invariant, arXiv:2411.13911

  • Giulia Saccà, Compactifying Lagrangian fibrations, arXiv:2411.06505

  • Brendan Hassett, Cubic fourfolds of discriminant 24 and rationality, arXiv:2411.04222

  • Corey Brooke, Sarah Frei, Lisa Marquand, Cubic fourfolds with birational Fano varieties of lines, arXiv:2410.22259 

  • Andreas Höring, Gianluca Pacienza, Zhixin Xie, On the relative cone conjecture for families of IHS manifolds, arXiv:2410.11987

  • Benjamin Tigh, Symmetries and vanishing theorems for symplectic varieties, arXiv:2410.07515 

  • Yuchen Liu, Zhiyu Liu, Chenyang Xu, Irreducible symplectic varieties with a large second Betti number, arXiv:2410.01566

  • Anna Saveleyeva, Central derived autoequivalences of K3 surfaces, arXiv:2409.16877  

  • Daniele Faenzi, Grégoire Menet, Yulieth Prieto-Montañez, Anti-symplectic involutions on moduli spaces of sheaves on K3 surfaces via auto-equivalences, arXiv:2409.12668 

  • Enrico Fatighenti, Claudio Onorati, Modular vector bundles with and without moduli, arXiv:2409.12821 

  • Andrey Soldatenkov, Misha Verbitsky, Abundance and SYZ conjecture in families of hyperkahler manifolds, arXiv:2409.09142  

  • Yulieth Prieto-Montañez, On Hyperkähler manifolds of K3[n]-type with large Picard number, arXiv:2408.16610

  • Davesh Maulik, Junliang Shen, Qizheng Yin, The D-equivalence conjecture for hyper-Kähler varieties via hyperholomorphic bundles, arXiv:2408.14775

  • Benedetta Piroddi, Symplectic actions of groups of order 4 on K3[2]-type manifolds, and standard involutions on Nikulin-type orbifolds, arXiv:2407.18904

  • Corey Brooke, Sarah Frei, Lisa Marquand, Xuqiang Qin, Birational geometry of Fano varieties of lines on cubic fourfolds containing pairs of cubic scrolls, arXiv:2407.18904

  • Alice Garbagnati, Matteo Penegini, Arvid Perego, Singular symplectic surfaces, arXiv:2407.21173

  • Kieran O'Grady, Modular sheaves with many moduli, arXiv:2407.18101 

  • Anna Abasheva, Shafarevich-Tate groups of holomorphic Lagrangian fibrations II, arXiv:2407.09178 

  • Andrey SoldatenkovMisha Verbitsky, Hermitian-symplectic and Kahler structures on degenerate twistor deformations, arXiv:2407.07867

  • Fedor BogomolovLjudmila KamenovaMisha Verbitsky, Sections of Lagrangian fibrations on holomorphic symplectic manifolds, arXiv:2407.07877 

  • Hanfei Guo, Zhiyu Liu, Atomic sheaves on hyper-Kähler manifolds via Bridgeland moduli spaces, arXiv:2402.08528

  • Dai Imaike, Analytic torsion for irreducible holomorphic symplectic fourfolds with involution, arXiv:2402.07611

  • Marcello Bernardara, Enrico Fatighenti, Grzegorz Kapustka, Michał Kapustka, Laurent Manivel, Giovanni Mongardi, Fabio Tanturri, Even nodal surfaces of K3 type, arXiv:2402.08528

  • Fabian Reede, Enriques surfaces with trivial Brauer map and involutions on hyperkähler manifolds, arXiv:2402.07611

  • Daniel Greb, Martin Schwald, Moduli of K3 families over P1, cycle spaces of IHS period domains, and deformations of complex-hyperkähler metrics, arXiv:2311.13420

  • Yajnaseni Dutta, Elham Izadi, Ljudmila Kamenova, Lisa Marquand, Some density results for hyperkähler manifolds, arXiv:2403.04868

  • Ekaterina Amerik, Andrey Soldatenkov, Misha Verbitsky, Apollonian carpets and the boundary of the Kahler cone of a hyperkahler manifold, arXiv:2402.11697

  • Marcello Bernardara, Enrico Fatighenti, Grzegorz Kapustka, Michał Kapustka, Laurent Manivel, Giovanni Mongardi, Fabio Tanturria, Even nodal surfaces of K3 type, arXiv:2402.08528

  • Yajnaseni Dutta, Elham Izadi, Ljudmila Kamenova, Lisa Marquand, Some density results for hyperkähler manifolds, arXiv:2403.04868

  • Lisa Marquand, Sasha Viktorova, The defect of a cubic threefold, arXiv:2312.05118

  • Benjamin Bakker, Christian Schnell, A Hodge-theoretic proof of Hwang's theorem on base manifolds of Lagrangian fibrations, arXiv:2311.08977

  • Ekaterina Amerik, Misha Verbitsky, Normal form of bimeromorphically contractible holomorphic Lagrangian submanifolds, arXiv:2311.04360

  • Federica Galluzzi, Bert van Geemen Invariants of Vanishing Brauer Classes arXiv:2310.18200 

  • Giacomo Nanni Classification of lagrangian planes in Kummer-type hyperkähler manifolds arXiv:2310.15639

  • Johannes Horn, Johannes Schwab Visible Lagrangians for Hitchin systems and pillowcase covers arXiv:2310.15716

  • Giovanni Mongardi, Gianluca Pacienza Regenerations and applications arXiv:2310.18248

  • Bert van Geemen, Matthias Schütt On families of K3 surfaces with real multiplication arXiv:2310.05196 

  • Shouhei Ma, Ken Sato Higher Chow cycles on some K3 surfaces with involution arXiv:2309.16132 

  • Claudio Onorati, Arvid Perego, Antonio Rapagnetta Locally trivial monodromy of moduli spaces of sheaves on K3 surfaces arXiv:2309.10397 

  • Jonas Baltes Lefschetz-type theorems for the effective cone on Hyperkähler varieties arXiv:2309.03141 

  • Ljudmila Kamenova, Giovanni Mongardi, Alexei Oblomkov, Fixed loci of symplectic automorphisms of K3[n] and n-Kummer type manifold arXiv:2308.14692arXiv:2308.14692

  • Samir Canning, Dragos Oprea, Rahul Pandharipande, The Chow ring of the moduli space of degree 2 quasi-polarized K3 surfaces  arXiv:2307.09284

  • Barbara Fantechi, Rosa Miro-Roig, Lagrangian subspaces of the moduli space of simple sheaves on K3 surfaces  arXiv:2306.05338

  • Josiah Foster, The Lefschetz standard conjectures for IHSMs of generalized Kummer deformation type in certain degrees, arXiv:2303.14327

  • Giulia Saccà, Moduli spaces on Kuznetsov componennts are Irreducible Symplectic Varieties, arXiv:2304.02609

  • Francesco Antonio Denisi, Ángel David Ríos Ortiz, Asymptotic base loci on hyper-Kähler manifolds, arXiv:2304.01773

  • Giuseppe Ancona, Mattia Cavicchi, Robert Laterveer, Giulia Saccà, Relative and absolute Lefschetz standard conjectures for some Lagrangian fibrations, arXiv:2304.00978

  • Nessim Sibony, Andrey Soldatenkov, Misha Verbitsky, Rigid currents on compact hyperkahler manifolds, arXiv:2303.11362

  • Benson Farb, Eduard Looijenga, Moduli spaces and period mappings of genus one fibered K3 surfaces, arXiv:2303.08214

  • Federico Moretti, The polarized degree of irrationality of K3 surfaces, arXiv:2303.07289

  • Gianluca Pacienza, Alessandra Sarti, On the cone conjecture for Enriques manifolds, arXiv:2303.07095

  • Camilla Felisetti, Franco Giovenzana, Annalisa Grossi, O'Grady tenfolds as moduli spaces of sheaves, arXiv:2303.07017

  • Enrico Fatighenti, Examples of non-rigid, modular vector bundles on hyperkähler manifolds, arXiv:2302.09025

  • Shouhei Ma, Differential forms on universal K3 surfaces, arXiv:2301.02550

  • Ljudmila Kamenova, Christian Lehn, Non-hyperbolicity of holomorphic symplectic varieties, arXiv:2212.11411

  • Tomasz Wawak, Very symmetric hyper-Kähler fourfolds arXiv:2212.02900

  • Corey Brook, Lagrangian fibrations from Fano varieties of cubic fourfoldsarXiv:2211.13444

  • Simon Brandhorst, Giacomo Mezzedimi, Borcherds lattices and K3 surfaces of zero entropyarXiv:2211.09600

  • Benjaminn Tighe, The LLV Algebra for Primitive Symplectic Varieties with Isolated SingularitiesarXiv:2211.06776

  • Xun Yu, K3 surface entropy and automorphism groupsarXiv:2211.07526

  • Simone Billi, A note on the Nielsen realization problem for HK manifoldsarXiv:2211.04127

  • Christian Lehn, Giovanni Mongardi, Gianluca Pacienza, Footnotes to the birational geometry of primitive symplectic varieties, arXiv:2210.12451

  • Angus McAndrew Galois descent for motives: the K3 case, arXiv:2210.13675

  • Yeqin Liu, The cohomology of spherical vector bundles on K3 surfaces, arXiv:2210.11030

  • Emilio Franco, O'Grady spaces and symplectic resolution of moduli spaces of Higgs bundles, arXiv:2210.04823

  • Xuqiang Qin, Justin Sawon, Birational geometry of Beauville-Mukai systems III: asymptotic behaviorarXiv:2210.03095

  • Salvatore Floccari, Sixfolds of generalized Kummer type and K3 surfaces, arXiv:2210.02948